Jathi Ratnalu OTT Released-April 11th 2021, Amazon Prime

Natural remedies for Diverticulitis |Old feces | Pockets in colon

Have you ever heard about having old feces in the intestine? Have you ever felt constipation? Is this a recurring issue in your life? Staying two or more days without going to the toilet can be a nuisance, right? According to the experts, going to the bathroom 2 to 3 times a day or even twice a week are both completely normal situations. Someone who goes to the toilet more than once a day and someone who only goes twice a week can be both considered healthy and not constipated. However, when constipation comes accompanied by abdominal pain, bloating, and gas it might be diverticulitis. We will discuss about Natural remedies for diverticulitis in this article.

Have you ever heard about it? Diverticulitis is an inflammation of the internal walls of the intestine. It is characterized mainly by the formation of small and bulging pouches called diverticula that, once inflamed, cause the disease. But how are the diverticula formed? It is not yet known how the diverticula are formed.

Diverticulitis causes and symptoms

A theory is that diets poor in fiber contribute to their formation. The lack of fiber in the diet hardens the feces, which causes constipation. We end up having to push harder when defecating, which pressures the colon and the intestines and forms these cysts, the diverticula. The buildup of stool causes inflammation.

But, besides a diet poor in fiber, a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, smoking, and being over 40 years old are other risk factors for causing this issue. We can observe the symptoms of diverticulitis like abdominal pain, sensitivity, especially in the lower left part of the abdomen, bloating or gas, fever and shivers, nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, and insufficient eating. People who have diverticula but don’t have inflammation usually don’t show any symptoms.

Easy and simple natural remedies for diverticulitis.

In this case, we can identify the diverticula during routine examinations, like a colonoscopy. How can we avoid it? According to researchers, changes in lifestyle and a diet with more fiber and water can solve this issue. Practicing exercises and avoiding smoking also help prevent diverticulitis.

How to have regular bowel movements?

According to Chinese medicine, you can also clean the old feces in your intestine. But how? When you wake up, the first thing you should do is to drink a glass of water or coconut water. And the colder it is, the better. Do it before doing any of your daily chores. If you want, you can mix some coconut water with a tablespoon of olive oil, or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and a freshly squeezed lemon. This combination hydrates and lubricates the large intestine, contributing to eliminating the old stool stuck in the diverticula.

If you don’t have these ingredients at hand, drinking a glass of cold water as soon as you wake up is enough to go to the toilet. Sit on the toilet as if you were evacuating. If you can defecate and feel happy with the results but still suspect you have old feces in your body because of the symptoms above, try stimulating your LI1 point.

This is an acupuncture point related to the large intestine and is located on the radial end of the distal phalanx of the index finger. Pressing this point will help you empty your diverticula. Press the point from 3 to 5 minutes a day. If you want, you can do with both hands with out any rush. Try it, then share your experience with us. In serious cases, when diverticulitis evolves to issues like peritonitis and infections, you might need antibiotics and, sometimes, surgery. If you tried all the changes we mentioned above and still don’t see any improvements in your case, go to the doctor so they can diagnose the cause of your issue.

Purchasing a good alkaline water ionizer is also a good and safe natural remedy to avoid constipation to some extent.