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Arjun Suravaram online streaming partner Digital release date

Arjun Suravaram is a hero Nikhil movie. The movie is about investigative journalism. Yes it reached telugu film lovers to some extent. It grabbed the attention of both movie goers and also critics. Aha ott app has bagged Arjun Suravaram online streaming rights. So the new pure Telugu app AHA is Arjun Suravaram online streaming partner. There is no question of digital release date. The movie is now streaming. Just you can subscribe for Aha app. There is one year subscription just for 365 rupees launch offer.

Arjun Suravaram movie story line

Arjun Lenin Suravaram (Nikhil) works as a Crime Investigative Journalist on TV99. However, his goal is to work on the BBC channel. Kavya (Lavanya Tripathi) introduces herself in a pub for a string operation. She tells him she works as an investigative journalist at the BBC. The two of them become close more and more in love. But in the meantime Arjun is working on a TV 99 channel. Kavya hates Arjun.

In the meantime, Arjun gets a Crime Investigative Journalist job at BBC. He is arrested in a variety of cases in which Arjun has taken a fake certificate at a time when everything is happy and has taken several loans from various banks under the Education Loan. Not only him but many others will be arrested in the case of forged certificates. What are the cases of these fake verifiers ?, who is behind it, and how Arjun investigated the game and proved himself innocent.

Arjun Suravaram digital release date

Arjun Lenin Suravaram is a remake of the Tamil film Kanithani. The director of the film, which was launched by Kanithan, is made changes to the hit story. He started the film by engaging with the character of direct characters and his Aim. Vennela Kishore and Satyala’s comedy also worked out well. Even in the first 20 minutes of Channel Back Drop, Hero Heroines Love Track, a two-track movie, the original story begins. The twist of Nikhil’s arrest in a fake certificates case has exploded in the movie.

Ott digital rights

Even after that it didn’t take long to show the hero Struggle. After a good emotional scene, the hero’s inquisitiveness to find out how he put himself in this case seems to be intersting. In the Investigation also use the backbone kishore and some fun work out, so that everyone can connect. Though some of the scenes have been dealt with as a hero’s favorite, the director who kept the tempo in the scene, gripping in the direction of this zoner film. Even the second half of the film, which is very engaging until the first half, runs on the same point, causing some scenes to feel repetitive. The use of CC TV footage and police interrogation are repeated.

The movie arjun Suravaram director dealt with a little cinematic Liberty. In the scenes where the heroes who follow him in fear of the journalists will come to the search for logic. The director’s second hand short episode, which was a plus for the film, was also a plus, as the film had some emotions. Otherwise, the hero could easily enter the villain’s den and copy his database, as well as take care of the climax.

Movie hit or flop

Early in his career, Nikhil Swamy, who seems to have done a bit over-acting, injecting the rest of the heroes from the film, started to understand his character in the film and started acting down to it. He also acted as an investigative journalist in the film. Nowhere did the character go beyond the scope. The action scenes in the film are also part of the story, and the heroism is well.

The rest of the characters have got a good scope as the story of the film goes on to be a hero. Most importantly, the role of the heroine is also crucial to the film.