Jathi Ratnalu OTT Released-April 11th 2021, Amazon Prime

UAE announces five-year multiple-entry visa for all

Fancy a long vacation in the United Arab Emirates? Tourists of all nationalities can now obtain a five-year multiple entry visa to the UAE. This decision was made at a Ministerial Council meeting in the UAE on Monday. This meeting was led by the Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. Following the announcement (@HHSHKMohd), he said: “Today we approved the change in the tourist visa system in the country so that the tourist visa is five years long and can be used multiple times for all nationalities. We receive over 21 million tourists annually and our goal is to establish the country as an important global travel destination. ” Previously, tourists could only obtain a single or multiple entry visa for a period of 30 days or 90 days. In another tweet, the Gulf ruler stated that the United Arab Emirates will be 50 in 2021 and that this year will be a way to prepare for it. “In 2020 we will shape the future of the UAE,” he added.