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Is Italy Pm crying over Covid 19 disaster | Italy Pm name | Italy Prime Minister

Is italy pm crying now ? A photo of a crying man circulates on social media, claiming that this is the Italian prime minister, who was unable to control his tears over the increasing death toll from Covid-19 in his country. India Today The Anti-Fake News War Room (AFWA) has found the viral post to be misleading.

Italy Coronavirus updates

Italy faced the biggest hit by the coronavirus outbreak, with over 5,000 deaths and an hourly increase. In the midst of this, a photo of a crying man on social media goes around. It is claiming that this is the Italian prime minister. It also says he was unable to control his tears over the rising death toll from Covid-19 in his country.

Social media users claim that the Italian prime minister has lost all hope and share an article on The Daily Bihar website. This article also used the same picture. It claims that the Italian prime minister had collapsed in his country because of the deaths of Covid-19. It Is not italy pm crying in the image.

The misleading post has reached to thousands of social media users.

Using Google Reverse Image Search, India Today magazine research team found a Brazilian website “PODER 360” in December 2019. This website has this viral Image. According to the translation of this article, Bolsonaro became emotional during a Thanksgiving event in his office. During this time, he also collapsed when he remembered the knife attack he suffered in the 2018 election campaign.

Italy President or Pm name

We also found a YouTube video of the event. The video was uploaded from a verified channel that shows how Bolsonaro gets emotional and cries. India Today research could not find a credible news report. Italian Prime Minister or PM name is Giuseppe Conte . He felt worry, but he did collapse into tears in his country because of the increased deaths of Covid-19.